SMTP (and DNS) 101 - Getting started

Have you ever wondered how when you click send, and email is actually sent? Start here for the detailed information about how the standards for Email (SMTP) and DNS works

Email filtering?

One persons newsletter is another person's spam. This is the main problem with email in the 21st century. What is spam, and how do you protect your domain against it?

Email Archive

Do you ever want to recover a deleted email from 10 years ago? Do you ever need to check some historical details? Do you have a situation which requires legal intervention to access an entire domain's email history? Email Archive is the answer to all of these queries.

Routing efficiency benefits

There are lots of devices, services, and systems which need to send (and sometimes receive) email. Just because a server does support SMTP (email) relaying, it doesn't always mean you should use it. The overall efficiency of the routing should always be considered. Read more...